Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My absence/Being clinically simple

Hey guys! How have you been?   Got caught up in school and unintentionally neglected my blog :(  Time truly is a luxury these days.  It's almost finals and the start of my summer vacation *in the Philippines/ South East Asia, April-May is Summer or the hot season*  I've been working on little projects here and there and I've recently been getting into illustrator and photoshop :D  I'm no expert, but I'm getting there.  I also moved to a new place!  *nothing exciting, it's pretty much in the same building, just different units*  I'm slowly accumulating furniture here and there and I might revamp them and post some furniture D.I.Y's :)  

I had writer's block which also explains my absence.  I got into really random stints of creation when I had that block.  I decided to re-live my childhood and build a Gundam.  it was pretty tedious and it only contributed to my procrastination. 

Pretty Random I know.  At least I didn't cook meth :/

I also might change my blog's look :o  I've been playing around with illustrator and came up with some pretty messed up stuff that I'm reluctant to post here for fear of being ostracized haha.  I digress, I'm going for something more youthful and fun.  

I've been working on some garments and I've put them to the side numerous times because of school work :(  I always have trouble organizing thoughts and I really abhor making mood boards for the soul reason that they take up waaaay too much physical space. 

I collect images I like and they accrue on my computer rapidly like a sub arachnoid hemorrhage resulting from repeated trauma to your head from outside stimuli. I noticed that when I collect images, I tend to  have little themes for the images I collect. Here are the inspirations I've put together that inspired me.  I like making these sometimes because it's like making a mood board, but without the annoying mess.  

Here's  the inspiration board of the mini photo shoot I'm planning to do :)
I got really into dreamy, retro and nerdy aesthetic.  Well, that's my normal aesthetic when I think of it.  I digress, I'm super stoked to get back on it during holy week.  I included the make up I might try out on the model and I'm still trying to find the perfect place to shoot.  Any suggestions?  I'm looking for something vintage, quirky and natural.  It should evoke idk, "the sunshine comes out of my ass"

Sorry that this was a super short post, I promise to upload something meatier next time.  

Do you have any comments or suggestions? Feel free to leave any at the comment section or feel free to message me :V

-Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.


it's Jason